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...has by and large been co-opted by the advertising behemoth in the form of short ads that we are forced to listen to on such

on-line platforms as YouTube, Spotify, various internet radio outlets and....anywhere else ya hear music.  Indeed, these days, this

is where much if not most music is listened to.  The Liquid Revolution has set up this album to mimic this listening experience by

inserting mainstream sounding ads in between many of the songs with the intent to humurously mock the cheapening of the

musical art form that such ad placement accomplishes while making strong statements about many current social issues and

putting forth a more positive vision for humanity.


Below are the Matt’s comments on each track on the Dragonfly Taxi album.


1) MUST BE FREE: Livicated to Bob Marley and the Wailers, with obvious inspiration from Marley's "Rebel Music."

    This tune asks what it means to be free in this era of increasing economic slavery.


2) DROP THE LINE (World Revolution):  A spoken-word polemic about the for-profit-only system, environmental irresponsibility

and a transition to something much better, set to a contrasting one-drop and driving steppers reggae riddim. Current and past

progressive writers and musicians are invoked at the climax of the tune. Spoken word by Bob Marley archivist and reggae

historian Roger Steffens.


3) GPI:  Genuine Progress Indicator. The world will have to switch to this global health metric if we are to survive.


4) THE MATERIAL SHUFFLE: A sarcastic jab (attack!) at the corporate take over of…EVERYTHING, and the resulting

materialistic rat race we’re running.


5) LESS IS BEST: What a future ad campaign might look like when we realize that MORE IS KILLING US.


6) DUB JUMPER: A down tempo reggae instrumental.


7) 4 DAY WORK WEEK: A communication from the emergency broadcast system about what out daily lives will most likely

look like in the not to far future.


8) IZZA KILLA: A song of warning about how some relationships can turn out.


9) BECYCLE: An ad for a futuristic company that goes completely against our current model of expansion and profit-at-all-

costs in favor of….UP-CYCLING.


10) AGAIN AND AGAIN (radio edit): A song about how a deep and higher love came into existence. Pure happiness!


11) TRICKLE DOWN: The truth about trickle down economics.


12) WAR (by Bob Marley): A fresh interpretation of this Marley classic.


13) MARRIAGE OF $ AND POLITICS: …brought to you by Citizens United.  It’s time for a divorce!


14) SURE: A nayabinghi-based rap tune slamming the practice of the corporate naming of public spaces, and holding

court on a slew of social disgraces.


15) DRAGONFLY TAXI: Inspired by the Jimi Hendrix song, “Spanish Castle Magic”, this spoken word jam wonders what

happened to the dragonfly that took him to the Spanish Castle back in 1967. As man-kind has developed, she (who could

be Mother Earth herself) has been hiding, knowing all too well that in the end, she will prevail.


16) MOTHER EARTH SPEAKS: These days she’s not doing too well, and wants you to know that she holds ALL the answers,

if only we’d just listen!


17) NAG CHAMPA: A reggae – rock instrumental sprinkled with a bit of Tibetan incense.


18) TAX BREAKS: Another ad we might see in the near future once we start taking seriously the saving of the environment.

Buy local.  “I love the IRS!!”


19) LIQUID SHIVA: Drawing inspiration directly from the pages of the Bhagavad Gita where you can be free from BOTH

suffering AND joy, this tune leaves you basking in the enlightened sonic vibration that only a great reggae feel can give.


20) AGAIN AND AGAIN (album edit): An extra long loving version!



Give thanks for the quality time you invested in making sure that the work is of a "world class" caliber in all aspects of modern music production. On behalf of the 99%'s, I give thanks for the powerful lyrical outcry of the poor and marginally disenfranchised that you share in "Must be Free!" Really, it seems that in all of humankind’s struggle to exist, at some level, money becomes the apparent denominator of who/what is right or wrong, the winner or loser...Every other living thing on earth is free from living in that dynamic except human beings. Finally, give thanks for picking Man up for a ride in the Dragonfly Taxi!

            - Tuff Lion

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